Chord Progressions are the harmonic foundation for the emotions evoked by your music. Some Progressions feel bright and joyful while others evoke feelings of darkness and mystery. Chord Progressions can be memorable, can signify a genre and most important for you as a producer, a great chord progression sets you up for success by establishing the key and note structure for the melody and bass to follow. Starting with a solid progression makes writing the rest of your just that much easier.
Chords are stacks of notes that sound good when played together. A Chord Progression is a sequence of Chords or ‘harmonic colors’ repeated through out the song. The Chords not only sound good individually but each Chord ‘naturally’ follows the previous Chord in a way that creates the desired emotional tension and release. Here ‘naturally’ means Chords are usually harmonically related or from the same musical Scale. Check the Scales & Keys (Key Signatures) section of the manual as this will help you to understand how the Chord Progressions are built. NOTE: You can set the note Scale as indicated from the (Right-Click) options for Key & Scale as indicated in the image above.